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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 2

ISBN:978-953-154-771-0 (HAZU). - ISBN 978-953-163-286-7 (Književni krug)
Autor:Matičević, Ivica
Naslov:Pometov feljton u 'Spremnosti'
Matična publikacija:Dani Hvarskog kazališta 33 : Prešućeno, zabranjeno, izazovno u hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu / [uredništvo Nikola Batušić ...et al.]; str. 456-468
Impresum:Zagreb ; Split : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti ; Književni krug, 2007
Sažetak:Pomet's feuilleton in 'Spremnost' : The weekly 'Spremnost' (1924-1945) was one of the most important and most printed periodical publications during the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). Besides the political, military and economic sections of the newspaper, an important section was devoted to culture and art (prose, poetry, essays, literary criticism) where articles were written by the most significant and best Croatian critics and writers of those times (Ljubomir maraković, Ton Smerdel, Radoslav Glavaš, Albert Haler, Antun Barac, Mihovil Kombol...). The major personality, the mastermind of 'Spremnost' was its editor Tias Martigjija, who gave his collaborators freedom of speech and evaded the interference of the Ustasha authorities by this decisibe and liberal moves as much as possible in those times. Hence, besides the harsh critical and satirical razor, there was a humouristic article, a feuilleton 'Umjetnički sviet', signed by a phantom author, Pomet. The unknown identity, omnipresent and well informed, with rireless ironic and parodial translocation from reality, Pomet, regularly, from issue to issue, in 106 sequels, from December 1942 until December 1944, wrote a chronicle of the integral cultural and artistic life in Zagreb and Croatia. Pomet's feuilletons are miniature studies of the character of our wellknown directors, actors, musicians, painters and writers during the four World War years and were a stimulative source of structures for the history of Croatian theatre, literature, film and music. Besides this, Pomet's feuileton testifies on the space of freedom of thoughts and criticism which was created and shared in 'Spremnost' with other periodicals during the Independent State of Croatia ('Plug', 'Plava revija', 'Hrvatska revija', 'Vienac' et al.).
Ključne riječi:časopis (tjednik) Spremnost -- 1942-1945
Signatura821.163.42.09 DAN (33)
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Macan, Trpimir
Naslov:Spremnost : 1942-1945 / Trpimir Macan
Impresum:Zagreb : Matica hrvatska , 1998
Materijalni opis:370 str. ; 18 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Mala knjižnica Matice hrvatske, Novi niz ; kolo 7, knj. 41
Napomena:Str. 361-366: Pogovor / Vlaho Bogišić. - Str. 367: Bilješka o autoru. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Kazalo imena
Ključne riječi:tjednik Spremnost - 1942.-1945. * ustaški pokret - ideologija * Spremnost (časopis) - politički sadržaji * Nezavisna Država Hrvatska - tisak
Ostali autori / urednici:Bogišić, Vlaho
Signatura:SF 9012-7/41
Inventarni broj:64530, 64531
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Zavoda za slavensku filologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/slavfilologija

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(tjednik Spremnost - 1942.-1945. )
